Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kiss-All Natural Tobacco...Controversial Ad

I think that this ad is very inappropiate. Many people could be offended by this ad just because of the kind of position they have the cigarette cartons arranged. This ad is definately controversial because one of the ads have a wrapper giving the other wrapper oral sex and the other one is having actually sex.
The two sides of the debate could be whether or not the ad is effective or not and is it appropiate or not. Im sure that this ad was effective to the people this ad was made for. I say that because the ad is eye catching with its colors. They have the red, white and blue theme going on so it definately could people's eyes with a angled view of New York City in the background. The entire ad refers to sex and smoking. I dont know what they have in common but from the looks of it, I think that it was effective.
I do this that is ad is going too far. It has pictures of cigarette wrappers having oral sex while the cigarette is called Kiss. The exposure of this to younger kids is bad. I dont think I would want my kids seeing these kinds of ads on t.v. nor of the streets. I think it effects the younger age group the most, while at the same time bothering elders like me who think that this is just dumb. It is just like the Burger King ad we had for our journals in class. I definately think that this ad is going to far to advertise it's product.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Social Networking Sites

I think that social networking sites are good for our world. As we get older and gain responsibilities, we tend to lose connection with some our friends. Social networking sites help us stay in touch with these friends. These sites also have many different applications that provide us with different kinds of imformation. Social networking sites can help find some old friends or even make new friends as well.
Many teenagers and young adults use these sites for many different reasons. Some use these sites for staying in touch with friends, meeting new people, chatting, sharing pictures, and even for work purposes. Social networking is really helpful in the world today. I believe if anyone uses it in a negative way is just taking advantage of what it allows us to do and that it is wrong. I use Facebook all the time. I keep in contact with my friends, I chat with some or even message them. I know people who use Facebook for work purposes and communicating through it. I put up pictures so that people who I dont see much can remember how I look. Facebook and Myspace are great places to do these kinds of things. I think they help keep people in this world more sociable.
There are some improper uses of these sites too. I've heard of a few incidents where people have used these social networking sites to rape girls. My cousin actually had a friend in Philadelphia who was arrested for doing something like that. He was chatting with a girl online and was actually talking to a police officer and was asked to meet up somewhere. He was then later arrested at the place they were suppose to meet. Similar to this story, we read an article in EN 102 talking about how this is a growing problem. But I believe this can be prevent more then it occurs if people were just smarter. You can't always blame it on the person misusing the social network. Sometimes, you have to blame the parents, or even the child for making the wrong choice. The parents should moinitor what there child is doing online and put up firewalls. I dont think 14 year olds should be on such sites anyways and even if they are, I know that there parents atleast taught them not to talk to strangers. I believe we are taught that in school too.
Overall, I believe that social networking is a great thing for the world. I believe that they should keep them and just put an age restriction on the sites. Parents should look after what their children are doing online. With those things done, im sure that the rape rate through social networks will decreaes. Taking away these sites will make it harder for young adults to keep in contact with there friends and meeting new people.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Live everday like it was your last"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "live everyday like it was your last". Usually people like enjoying their lives, not many people like to just sit around and do nothing. People value their lives greatly because you only live once. Nobody wants to die not having lived up to what they could have been.
My grandfather was a hard working man. He had a huge heart. As my dad went through school, my grandfather would sell and give up anything he had to make sure his son got his education. He would sell such things as his watch, his television, or even his motorcycle. He'd do anything to make sure my dad attended school and wouldn't have to do the same thing for his kids. The one mistake that my grandfather did make was that he didnt enjoy his life. Before he passed away about 5 years ago, he told me to "live everday like it was your last" because he didn't. He wished he did everything he did and could have still enjoyed life and managed his time wisely. He would tell me not to give up on anything and never regret anything i did. He'd tell me to get my education while I have the chance and to make sure I keep up with my responsibilities. My grandfather grew up without a father so he had to take responsbility of everything at a young age. His mother and his 2 younger brothers were the only people important to him. All he did was work and bring home money to make sure they got their educations, then later did the same for my dad. He also told me that he doesn't regret anything he has done but he just wishes he had worked harder so that he could have enjoyed life more then he had. My grandfather is the person who inspires me to be who I am and much more. I love having a good time, who doesn't? I make sure education comes first though because it is the most important thing to have if we want to enjoy our life in the future. My grandfather told me that it is important to work hard now and get my education so that later I would have the money to go out and explore the world.
Life comes at you fast, so make sure you make the best of it. You never know when your last day is going to be so enjoy it now but at the same time make sure you keep up with school and your other responsibilites such as work, and house duties. Those are all important things because you can live up to be 20 or a 100, but if you do live up to a 100 then you want the money so that you can continue enjoying life. If their are any dreams that you have, then chase after them. Do what you have to do to make sure you get to live that dream. You may have more then one shot at it, but you'll never know when it'll be your last!