I think that this ad is very inappropiate. Many people could be offended by this ad just because of the kind of position they have the cigarette cartons arranged. This ad is definately controversial because one of the ads have a wrapper giving the other wrapper oral sex and the other one is having actually sex.
The two sides of the debate could be whether or not the ad is effective or not and is it appropiate or not. Im sure that this ad was effective to the people this ad was made for. I say that because the ad is eye catching with its colors. They have the red, white and blue theme going on so it definately could people's eyes with a angled view of New York City in the background. The entire ad refers to sex and smoking. I dont know what they have in common but from the looks of it, I think that it was effective.
I do this that is ad is going too far. It has pictures of cigarette wrappers having oral sex while the cigarette is called Kiss. The exposure of this to younger kids is bad. I dont think I would want my kids seeing these kinds of ads on t.v. nor of the streets. I think it effects the younger age group the most, while at the same time bothering elders like me who think that this is just dumb. It is just like the Burger King ad we had for our journals in class. I definately think that this ad is going to far to advertise it's product.